The Computer Science Major Transfer Map (MTM-CS) promises transferability of the core CS classes: 160, 161, 162, 205, and 260. However, the MTM does not define exactly what those courses look like. To fill this gap, a collection of efforts were undertaken to help institutions and instructors make sure that students with credits for these classes have the expected knowledge.

CS 160

CS 160 Outcomes

Work on outcomes for CS160 began in 2021 after completion of the CS161/162/260 outcomes. A working group created this document to outline our common beliefs and expectations for what should be covered in a CS160 course within the CS Major Transfer Map. These outcomes were finalized in 2022.

Andrew Scholer at

CS 161 / 162 / 260

CS 161-260 Outcomes

In 2020, the OCCC formed a working group to work on outcomes for CS161/162/260.
The goal for this project was to provide descriptive information about what is commonly expected to be covered in this sequence.

The ordering and location of topics within these three courses often varies depending on the presence or absence of other courses in the local curriculum, the programming language used for instruction, and pedagogical preference. Thus, outcomes are not divided up into specific courses. There is however one block of outcomes that largely maps onto CS161 & 162, and another block that maps largely onto CS260 (but is usually started in CS162). These outcomes were developed at a much more granular level than a typical course outline might contain in an effort to provide clear guidance about expectations.

For access to the master document, contact Andrew Scholer at


CS205 - System Programming and Architecture - was developed as part of the Computer Science Major Transfer Map (MTM-CS) to provide a single course within the MTM acceptable to OSU, PSU and UofO covering the basics of low level computing.

It is a part of the OSU/PSU/UofO variant of the CS-MTM and will fulfill a required course at each institution (PSU: CS201, OSU: CS271, UofO: CIS314). It is also accepted in lieu of the required CS271 at WOU.

Any offering of CS205 is expected to use the outcomes described in the course outline.

OCCC has accepted responsibility for maintaining the course. Any changes to CS205 need to be approved by the participating institutions to make sure that it continues to fulfil its role within the MTM-CS. An editable versions of the outline is maintained in the CS205Outline github repository. For access to it, contact a member of the OCCC github organization.