Past Meetings
2024 - October 18
Location: PSU
Action Items:
Switched to new Google Group.
Marc is going to sort and distribute the list of current members transferred from the List Distro to each representative from the school to determine if the folks still want to be on the new group.
Reach out to schools with no representatives for being added.
How programs use a Loner Laptop programs.
AI policies used in our classes.
2024 - April 26
2023 - October 13
2023 - April 21
Location: OSU
Connecting Community College Students to Regional Universities
Teaching Intro CS in the Post ChatGPT World
Major Actions:
Robert Surton from Chemeketa wins David Swenson Award for serving as Chair of the OCCC from 2015-2019 as
well as his work in developing the outcomes for courses within the CS Major Transfer Map.
2022 - October 21
Location: OSU
Building a Tech Apprenticeship Program
by Megan Cogswell ( and R Taylor (
2022 - April 22
Location: Zoom
ABET Accreditation for 2-year Cybersecurity programs presentation
by Elizabeth Hawthorne (
Major Actions:
OCCC approves moving domain to point to new github based site.
No minutes available

2021 - October 22

2021 - April 9
Location: Zoom
Major actions:
CS205 approved and adopted as a course to be maintained by OCCC as part
of the CS Major Transfer Map.

2020 - October 23
2020 - April 24
Location: Zoom

2019 - October 18
Location: OIT Klamath Falls

2018 - October 12
Location: OSU Cascades

2015 - October 16
Location: OSU, Corvallis

2015 - May 8
Location: PCC, Rock Creek

2014 - October 17
Location: Lane CC, Eugene

2014 - May 9
Location: PCC, Rock Creek
2013 - October 18
Location: SWOCC, Coos Bay

2013 - April 26
Location: OIT, Portland
2012 - October 19
Location: Rogue CC

2011 - October 28
Location: PCC

2011 - May 13
Location: Chemeketa CC
2010 - October 22
Location: University of Oregon

2010 - April 23
Location: OSU
2009 - October 16
Location: PCC, Sylvania

2009 - May 1
Location: Clackamas CC

2008 - October 24
Location: Central Oregon CC

2008 - April 18
Location: Umpqua CC

2007 - November 2
Location: OIT Capital Center, Beaverton

2007 - May 18
Location: Chemeketa CC

2006 - October 20
Location: PSU
2006 - April 21
Location: University of Oregon

2005 - October 21
Location: OSU

2005 - April 29
Location: PCC, Sylvania

2004 - October 15
Location: Western Oregon University

2004 - May 7
Location: Chemeketa CC

2003 - October 24
Location: Clackamas CC
2003 - April 25
Location: Clackamas CC
2002 - November 1
Location: Lane CC

2002 - April 26
Location: Central Oregon Community College

2001 - October 19
Location: PCC, Sylvania
2001 - April 27
Location: University of Oregon

2000 - October 13
Location: Klamath CC
2000 - May 12
Location: Mt. Hood CC
1999 - October 22
Location: Central Oregon Community College
1999 - April 16
Location: Western Oregon University
1998 - October 23
Location: LBCC
1998 - May 1
Location: OSU
1997 - October 24
Location: OIT/Capital Center, Beaverton